Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Just that simple.

He smiled and nodded his head in acknowledgement before turning his attention back to the discussion. Guess it will be another long wait for her.

She walked passed empty tables and into his office, found a place to put the wet umbrella and stood at the window. The swish-swishing of cars on the roads, the occasional honks from drivers and pedestrian scurrying on the street, trying to stay as dry as possible.

"I'm almost done. Just give me awhile more!" His voice was a sharp contrast to the silence causing her to jump. He rummaged through his desk, found what he was looking for and went over to give her a peck on the forehead. "Be right back," he whispered before dashing out.

Sigh. She sat down on his chair and looked at the clock. 7.15pm.

"And that's all for today,"he raised his arms and plonked onto the chair. Chairs screeched on the floor as everyone rushed to leave the meeting room. Brushing a hand through his hair, he went through the notes from the meeting again.

As the last light in the hallway went off, he looked up and saw that it was actually 9pm. Shucks! He grabbed his stuff and ran to his office. She must be furious!

"I'm sor..." before he could finish his sentence, he saw her snuggled and asleep on that tiny sofa in the corner of his office. She has tidied up his desk in boredom. On half-played game of Solitaire on the computer. Her phone on the floor beside her. Must have dropped off when she fell asleep.

She must be exhausted. From the messages she sent him that day, it sounds like she had a tough day at work.

Deciding that work can wait, he went over to switch off his desk lamp. Gently, he scooped her up and carried her to the car. The whole time being careful, not wanting to wake her up.

[going nowwhere]

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